Anatomy of the Body & Soul Kabbalah of the Human Form: G‑d's Matrix Spiritual insights and maintenance program for physical and spiritual well-being and balance Led by Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf LL.B M.Ed Psych. D.Div. (Australian Mystic) Join this best-selling author, lawyer, psychologist and spiritual mentor do discover how The Human Form is described in Kabbalah as the Form of the Divine. What does this mean in terms of healing, health maintenance and the spiritual physiology of the person? At the seminar you will learn about:
When: Wednesday, May 12. 8pm Where: McLean Hilton.
$18 advanced paid reservation, $20 at the Door
$180 Sponsor (includes 2 tickets and a signed copy of the best seller Practical Kabbala by the author) Please consider this. No background knowledge or affiliation necessary Internationally acclaimed lecturer, lawyer, and spiritual teacher, Rabbi Laibl Wolf, of Melbourne, Australia, is a celebrated personal counselling & business consultant who has had extensive success in mending broken relationships in family and business settings. He has presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention; at the International Gawler Foundation Mind/Body and Wellness Conference, at the Fortune 500 Convention, and others. He is founding lecturer in Jewish Mysticism and Spirituality at Melbourne University (Australia). |